FIWARE Community er økosystemet rundt FIWARE plattformen.
Fiware plattfom er byggeklossene, Fiware Lab er servere du kan benytte mens du utvikler løsningen.
I Europa er det flere akselerator programmer der startups får midler til å delta, plass i akselerator samt mentoring.
The FIWARE platform is a set of components with well-defined APIs that ease the development of applications for Smart Cities and Smart Business. The platform is Open Source and is based on state-of-the-art solutions such as OpenStack and Apache Hadoop
The FIWARE Lab is a sandbox environment where entrepreneurs and developers interested to experiment FIWARE technology can play with it for free. The Lab also hosts sensors and the associated Open Data published by European cities and other organizations.
The programme aims at promoting the take up of FIWARE technologies among solution integrators and application developers, with special focus on SMEs and start-ups.
Although it was born in Europe, FIWARE has been designed with a global ambition, so that benefits can spread to other regions.
The FIWARE iHubs Programme aims at supporting the creation and the operations of iHubs nodes worldwide.